The Weekend By The Numbers

This edition of The Weekend By The Numbers is dedicated to Richard Holbrooke. We're pulling for you – all four of us. I hope that someday soon you are able to read this. (Not that you read the P&B&B&B blog.)

Rounds of I Spy Funhouse played today on the laptop: about 15

Guppies purchased: 3 – Blueberry, Lemon and Tangerine (nicknamed Tango)

Belated "Secret Santa" Hanukah presents received at Sunday School: 1, by A, from Josh (I told her I'd save the card for their rehearsal dinner)

Nutcracker Performances: 1

Holiday Parties Where Girls Regaled Guests With Nutcracker Stories: 1

Enormous Brownies Consumed Before Nutcracker Performance: 2

Cabinet Secretaries Whose Books I Wrapped at Politics & Prose Yesterday: 1 (Janet Napolitano)

Likelihood That I Would Have Recognized Janet Napolitano On My Own: Zero

OK, back to preparing for Monday's onslaught. I will try to upload M's backstage photos tomorrow.

PS: Exciting news – I have a new person starting tomorrow at work. She's a longtime reader of the P&B&B&B blog and a favorite of M&A's, and I couldn't be happier. Can't wait to see you tomorrow, KV!


1 comment

a says:

The new guppies sound like fun. M and A are still enjoying their parts in their musical play as bees. All of you are certainly very busy with good things. Enjoy.
Aunt Ann

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