Half-Birthday Photos

The girls had Mad Science today after school, and came home with some cool magnet things that they are enjoying, especially A. I also learned today that M is going to be in the Lafayette Calendar because of something she wrote. AND the girls both got 100% on their spelling tests last week. They breezed through their lists for this week too.

Here are some pictures from last night. (BTW, the girls want to grow out their bangs. It's not me being delinquent. The bangs are driving me nuts too.)

M decorating the cupcakes:

Halfbirthday 001 

The cupcake decorating counter:

Halfbirthday 002

A decorating: 

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A's cupcakes: 

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M decorating:

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M made one cupcake each for a bunch of holidays.

Top row:  Bumblebee (brown and yellow), Halloween (orange), Lafayette Day (blue/yellow – school colors)

Middle row: Daylight Savings Time Day (blue w jimmies), Valentine's Day (red/pink), Rainbow Day

Bottom row: Father's Day (blue/green), Mother's Day (red/purple), Christmas (red/green)

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Daddy decorated with food coloring instead of decorating gel! Oops!

Halfbirthday 015 

1 comment

a says:

Thank you for the darling pictures. The cupcakes look yummy, and the girls, and mommy, are beautiful. Enjoy.
Aunt Ann

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