
We had parent-teacher conferences today. Here's what we learned:

A is doing very well. She's reading at the 1st grade level, and her comprehension is excellent. She pays a lot of attention during stories. Her spelling and reading have improved a lot since the beginning of the year. She is scoring very well on her math tests. She is social and has fun, but she's not too chatty or disruptive, and apparently she is always keeping the other kids in line in terms of being quiet and obeying rules. ("That's true!", says A.)  A is reading at the same level as her good friends in the class, Abigail and Jessie, and they are in a reading group together.

M is also doing very well. She is reading and spelling well beyond the 1st grade level, and she writes very well (and much more than she is required to). She learns new math concepts very quickly. She's always eager to complete her assignments and she does very well on tests. No surprise! Her teacher says that she is always talking.

Good to know that things are on track.

Tomorrow we will finalize the Halloween costumes.

1 comment

a says:

How very proud Mom and Dad must be of their wonderful, beautiful daughters. All credit starts at home. Good job Mom and Dad.
Aunt Ann

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