Some Funnies

The girls are making great progress on a 300 piece jigsaw puzzle that I brought home from work yesterday. It's a puzzle from The Hub, the new kids' network. They are doing really well with a hard puzzle!! There is a Transformer on it – Optimus Prime. A asked me how I know that he is Optimus Prime, and I said, "Come on, A, I work for The Hub!" She said "Mommy! You work at a TV network! I am SO proud of you!" It was very cute.

Then, while we were doing the puzzle, M said, "Mommy, I am having such a good time with you."


Today I faced a sad situation. A was invited to a party of a classmate's, but M wasn't. M knows her – she came over for a playdate a few weeks ago. I did the Pushy Twin Mom thing and asked the mom over email if M could come too, as the party is on a holiday and both girls will be home from school. She wrote back and said that her daughter wanted a small party and had to make some hard choices, so no, M can't come. Adding insult to injury the party is at the pottery place, which M loves to go to.

So when I got home, M said that she had a bad day because the birthday girl in question wasn't nice to her at recess. Then A told me that the birthday girl told A she wanted to invite M to her party, but didn't know her very well. Meanwhile, I told M that she could have a playdate with someone that day, maybe her friend Emily. THEN A said that if M had a playdate with Emily, then A wanted to stay home with them and not go to the party! Sigh. So now M is saying "I don't have to go to Ellie's party" rather than "I don't get to go to Ellie's party" and A is coming up with suggestions for other people that M could have over instead.

Drama. But not really.

I do love those girls.

1 comment

a says:

Life is not always fair. I’m sorry that M’s feelings were hurt because she wasn’t invited to the party. And now A feels left out of the M’s playdate. Poor Mommy. It hurts when children have hurt feelings. Tomorrow is another day.
Aunt Ann

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