Picture Day

I returned from Rome yesterday. Had a fun time with Daddy touring around, seeing the sites, having some yummy dinners and lunches, and just enjoying ourselves.

While we were gone, the girls had a jam-packed weekend. They had 2 ballet rehearsals, a sleepover at Lolly's, a playdate with Abigail, and lots of time at home with Imogene, who did an amazing job. She even learned to put their hair in buns – something I still haven't really mastered!

Today was Picture Day. Last night, after I put the girls in bed, they decided to change into their school outfits last night, so they wouldn't be late today. So funny. Of course, they were a little wrinkled this morning! A wore a red/brown striped sweater dress over leggings, and M wore a plaid shirt over leggings. They both looked adorable. A wore her hair in braid pigtails, and M wore hers down, with a barrette. They are both dorwing out their bangs, and M's especially are in her eyes all the time.

M had another field trip to the bookstore today for a book reading. Thankfully, this time it didn't pour!

Here is a picture of M at the reading, which one of the moms who chaperoned took. She is wearing her hair in a barrette and the plaid shirt.


I *THINK* that M's top teeth are coming in. As for Lolly, her streak as M & A's lucky charm has ended – A's tooth did not fall out during the sleepover. It's still in, and still very loose.

M is obsessed with money – how much things cost, how much I pay for things. And A asked me this morning if she could have all of my stuff when I die, including my money.

OK, signing off for tonight. Back in the blogging groove!




Gloria says:

Glad to hear your trip to Rome was fun!! I love that city.

a says:

lI’m so glad Mommy had a terrific time in Rome and the girls enjoyed being with Imogene. They are growing up so fast and so beautifully. Glad things are going well.
Aunt Ann

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