Have I talked about A's Tooth Fairy Camp? According to A, she goes to Tooth Fairy Camp at night when everyone else is asleep. She says half of her body goes to campat night and half stays in her bed. She learns all kind of special powers , including flying, but if anyone else sees her do her soecial pwoers, she will lose them. Tooth Fairy Camp has a big house with a swimming pool. She also has friends at Tooth Fairy Camp, including someone named Charlotte.
She also says that there is a pocket in her back that has a creature there, to whom she feeds watermelon. (This all happens at Tooth Fairy Camp).
A left a note for the Tooth Fairy 2 nights ago. The Tooth Fairy wrote back and said that she had flown inside A's mouth to look at her loose tooth, and that it should come out soon. A was VERY impressed with that.
Today the girls went to ballet in the morning. When we got there I learned that there were only three ballet slippers in the bag. Poor M had to do the class in her socks. (The fourth was waiting in the entryway when we got home).
Then the girls had a Mad Science birhday party to go to. They made Slime.
More kitchen errands – we looked at a store that has knobs, and Daddy took the girls to Crate and Barrel to buy a stool for the breakfast counter to test at home.
A told me at lunch she wanted a hamburger, so I made some for dinner. Yum.
Poor A. She watched a Shark Week show before bedtime that I have to watch for work, and it scared her very badly. I explained that some people like to watch scary shows on TV (not me or A or M), and that Discovery made that show intentionally scary for that reason. (The show IS pretty scary – all about how to avoid shark attacks, especially in shallow water!).
Tomorrow is the first day of Sunday School.
Love A’s story about the tooth fairy camp. She tells a very interesting tale about all of it. How does M react to A’s story?
Sharks can be very scary. There are lots of shark stories on TV.
I hope the girls enjoy going to their new Sunday School class.
Aunt Ann
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