The Weekend, By The Numbers

Number of birthday parties: 2 (Jessie and Vance)

Number of playdates: 1 (Lily, from M's class)

Ice cream/frozen yogurt consumed by the whole family: a lot

Temperature when we went swimming at Grampy's: 90 (which made the pool that much more delicious)

Number of movies seen: 1, by Mommy and Daddy (The Switch – very cute!)

Number of awards shows this weekend – 1 (YAY – The EMMYS!)

Number of loads of laundry done: 3

Number of "farms" constructed by the girls from construction paper and Tinkertoys: 1

Days until our counters are SUPPOSED to be in: 2





1 comment

a says:

This was a very busy but fun weekend for all of you. M and A are very popular with two birthday parties, swimming, having ice cream and yogurt and building a farm game — all in one weekend. Sounds great.
Aunt Ann

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