Day 2

By all accounts, first grade is going well. A said today that she "only did fun stuff today at school" and that it's "great". M was excited to report that one boy (who was in her class last year) "went on red today". They seem to be doing fine separately, and are hanging out with new friends. Imogene says A hardly ate any of her lunch today (boo), and M's new lunchbox is already broken. Oh well – a replacement one is on its way, according to

In a change from last year, first graders are to line up outside the school with their classes each morning and then be marched in by their teachers. This poses a challenge to kids who are chronically a few minutes late. Day 1 of the "outside lineup", and we already missed it. Really trying to be more punctual this year.

Some more pics from the first day yesterday:

1st School 005

M's horse:

1st School 023

M's classroom (she's in the back):

1st School 016

A's teacher:

1st School 021


1 comment

a says:

How wonderful that things seem to be going well for M and A. From what I read in your blog, they seem to be adjusting beautifully to being separated. Each girl will have something new and different to tell about their day at school.
Aunt Ann

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