So, tomorrow is the first day of first grade!
Yesterday, we were at a picnic for new families, so that M could meet a little girl who will be in her class. After the picnic, we stopped at the school and saw that the door was open. We went in, and sneaked over the first grade area to check out the girls' classrooms. They are adorable! Bright and colorful and so cute. And best of all, the girls are right across the hall from each other. That makes me so happy. When we were leaving, we saw the principal, who spent 15 minutes chatting with us, and showed us pictures of M's new teacher and the other teachers they will have this year for art, music and PE.
I think the girls are both VERY excited for first grade. They both said that they wished today were the first day.
Luckily, it wasn't, because we had stuff to do. Cleaned up the house as best I could, given the mess of the kitchen, and went grocery shopping. Daddy took the girls swimming, which was great because it ended up being very hot. And Grandma Sandy made us a nice dinner, since we can't cook in our house!
Both girls left stuff for the tooth fairy tonight. M's note says "to the tooth fairy: tomorrow is a very special day because school i starting! and i need a spesial diamond. and at 10 o'clock PM put it right on my night table next to my bed on the left side corner." Where does a tooth fairy find a diamond at 10 PM?
A left a picture of the Tooth Fairy as well as a plastic turtle who walks.
Will report back tomorrow after the first day of school!
Good luck to M and A on their first day of first grade. Their teachers are fortunate to have such wonderful students in their classes. Please give M and A a BIG hug and kiss from me.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann
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