A’s First Lost Tooth

We are stilll in Martha's Vineyard. We've had a lovely visit with our friends the Campers, who have a gorgeous house in the sourthern corner of the island. The weather hasn't been too hot -typical New England summer – and we've spent some time at the beach, in the cute towns, and just hanging around at home. The big news so far is that A lost her first tooth yesterday. We were at the beach, and she all of a sudden realized that it had fallen out. We spent a lot of time looking for it, and found something that was EITHER her tooth or a rock. Either way, it did the trick and the Tooth Fairy paid a visit to Martha's Vineyard last night. She was so excited and proud when it came out. These are the people she called to tell about it:

-All grandparents
-Sarah and Rachel (via Facebook)

These are the people she WANTED to call to tell about it, but didn't:

– Dr. Dana (at home)
– Mrs. Haigler (because she was the only one in kindergarten not to lose a tooth)

Daddy left today for a trip to Afghanistan and Pakistan, which we are not excited about, but we are looking forward to his safe return.

We return to DC tomorrow.

The girls just came downstairs to tell me that they can't sleep. I put them back in bed, and M said "I ain't sleep." Hee. They had a nap today on the drive home from another part of the island. Bad sleep cycle they are in!

More tomorrow, hopefully with photos.

1 comment

a says:

Congratulations to A on losing her first tooth. I hope the Tooth Fairy gave A what she hoped for. Enjoy Martha’s Vineyard. I hear it’s very beautiful. I’m sure daddy will return safely.
Aunt Ann

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