Friday Update

Last night, M put a surprise under my pillow. It was a piece of bubble gum, wrapped in a paper towel that said "To Mommy, Love Maddie". So cute. That started a long discussion – both girls want me to leave them surprises under their pillows at night. But they don't want the same things, and they don't want them on the same days, but they don't want to get surprises when the other one doesn't. I said I would be unpredictable – some days I would leave surprises, some days I wouldn't, some days I'd leave them both surprises, and some days I wouldn't. (Like the mom in All of a Kind Family when she leaves buttons for her girls to discover while dusting… sometimes.) Last night I left them each a sheet of star stickers.

Remember when I submitted pics of the girls to the Little Debbie look-alike contest? Here's who won: 

I will post photos of the girls' artwork and the progession of the kitchen tomorrow. Last day of art camp was today so there is a lot of new artwork in the house.

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