Happy Birthday Daddy

I was not able to post last night, because we still didn't have Internet access. Luckily, power is returning to our neighborhood, and cable has been restored. Yay! Also, because of the downed trees and lack of power, the cabinets were not delivered yesterday and the plumber couldn't come, so there was no kitchen progress to report.

Today is Daddy's birthday. The girls decided to wear their clothes for today to bed last night (not sure why) so that they could surprise him in the morning. Tonight we are taking him out to dinner, and I picked up what will surely be a delicious cake on the way home from work. Should be fun!

At camp today, A had to draw someone upside down, and she had to draw someone without looking at the paper. I think they have had a good time at the camp. They are always enthusiastic when we get there, and happy to see me when I pick them up, pointing out counselors and friends and artwork they've done.

Funny – I thought I had fraternal twins! Guess they are identical these days.

Hopefully we have run out of identical outfits for tomorrow!

And now to the kitchen. Today they installed half of the floor and removed the old radiator. Imogene said the plumber was there all day, and I am not sure whether the new radiator is going in tomorrow or not. Also, the cabinets came, and they are taking up most of our dining room.







1 comment

a says:

Happy Birthday, Dan. I’m sure you enjoyed all that was planned for you by M and A, as well as by mommy. Thanks for the great photos.
M and A look so cute, and yes they do look identical in their same outfits — two beautiful girls. Your kitchen is taking shape. I’m sure it will be lovely.
Aunt Ann

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