97 Degree Friday

Long day. And very hot day. Took the girls to camp and picked them up, came home, worked til 6, then took them to the pool and out to dinner. I am ready for bed! (And it's only 10:30). They did excellent swimming and a lot more going off the diving board today. They are fearless!

Here is today's progress on the kitchen. They put in a floor over the existing wood floor, and are apparently putting the tile in on Monday. And the stove is gone.

K1 K2 K3 

Here is M, ready to leave for the pool:


And here, I am excited to report, are some tomatoes from my garden!!



1 comment

a says:

I love those tomatoes from your garden. Little by little your kitchen will be done. It takes lots of patience, but it’s worth it.
Love the photos with M in them. So cute.
Aunt Ann

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