Arts Camp

Today was the first day of the new arts camp. I took the girls on my way to work, and then picked them up at 3 and brought them home. I like that the camp is just a few blocks away from my office. We passed the shark on my office building on the way there and back, and the girls said hello to him and wanted to stop and take pictures with him. (We will do that another day.)

I *think* the girls had a good time today at the new camp. They weren't that vocal when they got in the car, but I did get a "It was good" out of A on the way home. I don't think they are going to like it as much as Levine camp, but I think it will be fine for 2 weeks.

Tonight we read two more books from the first grade reading list: How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World, which was very cute, and The Relatives Came, which is a book that we had when the girls were little and which used to make M laugh all the time. There was one page that used to make her giggle all the time. It doesn't crack her up anymore, but now she can read it, so that's exciting.

Tomorrow morning we are going to the dentist. I will ask her 1) when A's tooth is going to fall out; and 2) when M's two front teeth are going to come in!

1 comment

a says:

Lucky M and A being able to fill the summer with so many fun things.
They enjoyed their Levine camp and I’m sure will enjoy the art camp too. Grandma Sandy is back in D.C. with all of you. We miss her and enjoyed her company.
Aunt Ann

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