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I got home from SF last night. Despite the late arrival, the girls were up, watching The Wizard of Oz for the first time. I remember seeing that movie so many times in my childhood. It was always a Special Event  when it came on – a few times a year. Hard to remember those days when you couldn't just summon up a movie on demand, or on your DVD player, or at the video store. The movie is much shorter than I remember, and the scary parts (flying monkeys) not as scary now. (Shocker.) They finished the movie tonight and M skipped most of the second half, but returned for "I'm melting!" and "You're not really a wizard!" and "There's no place like home".

It's nice to be home. Daddy had a busy day with the girls yesterday – hip hop, swimming, and then dinner at the Diner. Today, we stuck around in the AM, reading a bunch of books off the summer reading list, and then the girls went with another friend and her mom to the their pool. (!) Daddy and I spent much of the afternoon clearing out stuff from the kitchen, as our renovation starts on Wednesday. (Yay!) After the girls came home, we had a yummy, summery dinner and a late shower, movie, ice cream, and bed. The garden is proving abundant – tonight I made pesto and caprese salad from the basil, and homemade lemonade with mint from the garden. We also ate our first homegrown tomato – yummy!

Camp ended well last week. Daddy attended the second concert. Tomorrow the girls start a new arts camp which is near my office. A is saying she doesn't want to go, but she always does that with new things. I think she will enjoy it.

Oh – A has a loose tooth! Finally! We are seeing the dentist on Tuesday, coincidentally, so we will get the scoop. It's the first little tooth that came in. (Sniff!)

Double oh – Grandma Sandy has been in Portland the last few days, visiting Aunt Ann and her daughter Jan. Ann is such a loyal reader and commenter – hi Ann! Hope you guys have had a great time.

1 comment

a says:

Pretty soon the tooth fairy will visit A. She’s been so patient.
We are very sad today because Grandma Sandy left this morning. It was such fun having her here. She’s very special and precious to us. We heard lots of lovely things about all of you wonderful people.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann

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