Camp Performances

I am writing from Palo Alto, where I am at a conference at Yahoo. I got here last night and will return home tomorrow afternoon.

Today and yesterday, the girls' camp had their end-of-session performances. I went yesterday and Daddy went today. They were great! They sang songs with just their group ("I've Got The Sun In The Morning And The Moon At Night"), and they sang songs with the whole camp ("Purple People Eater") and they danced too. It was really adorable. Daddy told me that today, they told the art teacher that they would be back next summer and that they might want to be counselors down the road! HOW CUTE IS THAT? This was a very successful three weeks, and I hope that the camp starting on Monday is as fun. It's an art camp (vs an art-and-music camp).

More exciting news from DC – there was an earthquake there at 5 AM this morning! I can't believe I flew to Northern California and missed an earthquake in DC! 

I will upload photos from the performance when I get back to town.

1 comment

a says:

It sounds like M and A really enjoyed summer camp. They want to be counselors!!!!! Your blogs are so interesting. Keep up the great work.
Aunt Ann

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