2 Special Visitors

We had two very special and unexpected visitors to the house today.

The first was the girls' kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Haigler. She was doing hte rounds today, dropping off DVDs to everyone in their class. It's a 40 minute DVD of photos taken throughout the year. It's really cute, and all of the Alpha Friends' music songs played in the background. We watched it all cuddled up on the couch. Apparently the girls were very excited when Mrs. Haigler was at the door. She stayed for 15 minutes, and she met Allie (she has a basenji mix).

The second visitor was the Tooth Fairy. A left her a note last night asking how Fairy Camp went (the Tooth Fairy was there when we were at the beach. A got a very nice note back from the Tooth Fairy, who said that she had been with 100s of her sisters at camp, learning new techniques. She was confused as to why M&A were sleeping in the basement, and especially why their toothbrushes were downstairs. (The girls were AMAZED at what the Tooth Fairy knew.) She also enouraged A to keep brushing.

A/C supposedly being fixed tomorrow.


1 comment

a says:

How very nice that the girls’ teacher visited and brought a tape of the activities in school. (Not many teachers do such lovely things.) Glad your A/C is being fixed soon. Our area has cooled down to the mid-eighties, so I hope when Grandma Sandy is here she will be comfortable. Wish all of you were coming here too.
Aunt Ann

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