Swimming: Good; Tile Shopping: Enh.

Today, the girls did some fun stuff, and some boring stuff. The fun stuff: hip hop class and swimming at Grampy's house (Bethesda pool was closed for no power!). Boring stuff: tile shopping. In the middle: lunch at Booymonger's. Daddy took the girls swimming today, and I took them swimming at Bethesda pool yesterday, after work. So they've gotten a lot of swimming in. They wanted to go off the diving board yesterday for the first time, but I said we had to wait until Daddy was there because he'd be very sad to miss it.

I've been taking the girls to camp every morning along with Hannah (Sarah's daughter). They have some entertaining conversations in the car. One day they were talking about the war in Afghanistan. Some questions that came up: How do you know when a war is over? ("When the bad team decides they are done.") How long have they been fighting? Who do we want to win? When will the bad team be done?

Another morning, A said, just as we were pulling into the driveway at camp, "Mommy, who invented the universe?" Then they all laughed because even they knew it was an absurd question. We also talk about who is a good driver (someone who isn't driving too slowly), the chances that I will make the green light on the turn onto Tilden from Rock Creek Park, whether there is more traffic than usual, what Hannah has for lunch in her lunchbox, and what the kids have been doing at camp. According to Sarah, they have equally entertaining conversations on the way home. Apparently the girls are very enthusiastic when she comes to get them.

Off to bed.

1 comment

a says:

This is a very interesting blog. The girls asked such intelligent questions, and made some great statements. I’m so proud of all of you.
Aunt Ann

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