A’s book – “One Doctor That Helped Animals”

The A/C is still out. Ugh. It is so hot upstairs that when I went to try to fix it, I was drenched in sweat within minutes. I am on the couch and the girls are back in the basement on the futon. They seemed excited to go to sleep down there again, and it is VERY cool in the basement. Hopefully it will be fixed tomorrow.

Tonight we played Wii and read two books from the summer reading list – Rainbabies (weird) and Amazing Grace (enh).

Last week, the girls decided they wanted to write their own books. M's isn't done yet, but A's is. Here it is. I did the writing (starting on page 3), which she dictated to me, and A did the pictures.









And here is a drawing M did toward the end of the school  year. For some reason one of the other moms got hold of it, scanned it, and distributed it to the class. (?) I like it though – reminds me of NYC.



1 comment

a says:

M and A are such talented girls. A’s story is beautiful and sweet, and her pictures are great. M is indeed a talented artist. The picture she drew looks like New York City and is beautiful. I’m so proud of both girls and I love them very much.
Aunt Ann

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