No A/C

So it's really hot today. 101 degrees hot. Perfect day for the upstairs air conditioning to stop working. It is 10:22 PM and the temperature upstairs is 90 degrees – not so great for sleeping. The girls are on the downstairs futon, and I am letting them watch a DVD of Olivia, so they are happy and comfortable. I am assuming it's the couch for me and Daddy tonight.

I took the girls to get ice cream after work tonight, and we ran into some friends from Lafayette who have no power at all, so I am grateful that it's only one fuse blowing, not the whole house. Apparently half the neighborhood is without power.

We read another Summer Reading List book tonight – Henry and Mudge. It was cute. Last night we read Martha Blah Blah – both are books about dogs!

I would write more, but I am drained from the hassle of dealing with the A/C tonight. More tomorrow.

1 comment

a says:

Wow! It’s really hot in D.C. Believe it or not, we expect to hit 100 degrees today here in the Northwest. I hope your A/C starts working upstairs. In the mean time, all of you seem to be doing well in this horrible heat. Take care and keep as cool as you can.
Aunt Ann

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