4th of July Weekend

We have a fun 4th of July weekend planned. Last night we went to the Nationals game – they won, in the bottom of the ninth. Today I was home and I got to pick up the girls from camp, which was great. Tomorrow is their first hip hop class, and then haircuts. Then tomorrow night we are going to a fireworks party at Lolly's house. Sunday is the annual parade in the Palisades and probably fireworks at night – we may watch from the Cathedral. And then Monday the girls have a birthday party in the afternoon. What a weekend, huh? And the weather today was just perfect – 70s and sunny and clear and dry. Hopefully that will extend into the weekend.

I got about 20 books from the library today that are on the girls' first grade reading list for the summer. M has already read three of them – she read a few to A tonight while I was out. I'd like for us to get through most of the list. I am also working on a Mother-Daughter book club for the school year.

I got the girls' report cards today and will post tomorrow what they said. Needless to say, they were very positive!

I need to get some rest so that I can make it through this weekend!

Happy 4th everyone!

1 comment

a says:

It sounds like a full weekend with lots of fun things ahead. M and A will have loads of fun celebrating our country’s special birthday and watching fireworks. It seems that M loves to read, something she will enjoy for the rest of her life. I wish all of you a great holiday. I’ll be thinking of you.
Aunt Ann

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