Day #2 of Camp

Day 2 of camp was a success! A says she loves it. M seems a bit less enamored, but mostly happy. Today was the first day of the full carpool. I picked up Hannah on the way to camp, and Sarah picked up the girls after camp. They said they learned to moonwalk, but they didn't do it to music.

Here are some things I like about summer: no homework at nights, no room parents/teacher pressure, no need to pack snack; no sunblock in the mornings (camp is inside); girls just seem lighter and happier. Here are some things I don't like: I am getting to work a lot later; Allie is getting up at 5am; the girls do not seem to want to go to bed.

Some more photos from the beach:






I was a little under the weather last night, and am very tired tonight, so I am going to sign off.

1 comment

a says:

Thanks for sharing M and A’s experience at Day Camp. The photos are great, and the girls look so happy and pretty. Mommy, get some rest!
Aunt Ann

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