We Are Back!

It has been a while since I posted here, but we are back from our week at the beach. (I would have posted last night but we had a blackout from 9p-1a, and I couldn't get online.)

We had a very nice vacation at the beach. The weather was very hot and sticky, so we spent a lot of time at the pool, and many late afternoons at the beach. It's fun to go back to the same house with the girls, as they know it now, and have memories there, and can chart their progress and development from year to year.

Some things of note:

  • The girls are swimming so well. A can swim all over the pool, including the deep end, and can do an excellent backstroke.
  • I played a lot of catch in the pool with M.
  • The girls had a great time with Olivia. Lots of crafts and games and giggling. Olivia slept on an air mattress in between their beds.
  • Lots of reading. M spent a lot of time just reading to herself. So cute.
  • Fun meals. Deb prepared pasta one night and Ron and Dina grilled hamburgers. We did some Let's Dish dinners and lots of smorgasbords.
  • Ice cream – birthday cake ice cream is the best flavor, at least according to M&A.
  • Putt Putt facility has improved a lot since last year. Sportsmanship has not (A).
  • Castle building has expanded to Turtle building and Star building, and Daddy, M & A each show great promise.
  • M was obsessed with the waves this year.
  • Grandma Sandy went in the pool EVERY day – a first!

The downside of not blogging on vacation is that I forget all sorts of cute things that happened. Like Olivia and M and A marching through the house singing the same song in unison. Three naked girls in the hot tub (and then the bathtub). Funny charade games underwater.

I will post pictures throughout the week – we have many.

Camp started today too. They are in music camp for three weeks, and by all accounts it was a good day. Apparently they played the electric guitar! My daughters are now officially cooler than I am. (Though I suppose I am cool because I HAVE an electric guitar. I told A she had to teach me how to play it.)

So, lots going on, lots to catch up on. I will try to remember more specifics about the beach as the week goes on.


1 comment

a says:

Welcome home. I missed your wonderful blogs. It sound like all of you had a great time at the beach. Thank you for the beautiful photos.
Aunt Ann

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