Grandma Sandy’s Birthday Dinner

Tonight we celebrated Grandma Sandy's birthday after work. We had a yummy dinner, the girls played the piano and sang, and we had cake. Happy birthday Grandma Sandy!

Both M&A finished their animal projects for school tonight. I hope that the presentations go well tomorrow!!!

I was so busy at work today that I didn't get a chance to scan in M's plant journal. I will do it tomorrow. It is adorable.

This is the end of the second-to-last week of school. So hard to believe. Camp is right around the corner… which reminds me that there are forms to fill out…

Hasta manana.

1 comment

a says:

Happy birthday to Grandma Sandy. It’s so nice that you planned a lovely little family party for her. She’s special. I know she loved the piano music and the singing. Did you take photos?
Aunt Ann

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