Here’s to the Commenters

I'd like to thank everyone who has commented on the blog in the last few weeks. It means so much to me to have comments! Aunt Ann, you are such a faithful commenter – every post. I am impressed that you know what Silly Bandz are! Thanks for all of your sweet comments about the girls and me and Dan – they are very much appreciated, even if I don't always write you back.


KV – you made my day today. 🙂

LB – the Weekend in Numbers posts are for you.

GH – thanks for commenting on the artwork. I think it's impressive too!!

R&D – thanks for the comment you left.

DW – thank you – I know how lucky I am.

In our world…

We've been reading a "choose your own adventure"-type book for little kids. So far, it's OK. I am not sure the girls really get it.

We need to work on the animal report project.  Due in a week.

Goodnight all – I am beat!

1 comment

a says:

Dear Mommy, thank you for your sweet comments. I enjoy your blogs so much. I feel it helps me watch the girls grow-up. You and Dan are such terrific parents, no wonder M and A are so wonderful.
Aunt Ann
P.S. I know some of my remarks are silly. Sorry about those.

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