Memorial Day 2010

Busy weekend, busy Memorial Day. We had the Campers over for brunch, and the girls enjoyed playing with Julius and Lolly. Then we had a marathon swim session at Nana and Grampy's. It was very, very hot today, and the pool was just wonderful.

Tonight, it was back to routine. Math Links homework, nail trimming, laundry. School tomorrow. BUT, only three more weeks left of school until summer vacation.

Thinking about signing the girls up for a hip-hop class at Joy of Motion this summer. How cute would that be? They would miss the first day, because we would be at the beach, but otherwise it's Saturdays throughout the summer. I think they'd love it. M keeps saying she wants "pottery classes" – but I think that would be very expensive, plus they are going to arts camp for 5 weeks (performing arts for 3 and arts/crafts for 2).

Tired, but a good three-day weekend.

1 comment

a says:

Lucky M and A. They have a marvelous summer planned for them. Hip-hop classes sounds like fun, and a summer full of arts camp is also
wonderful. Enjoy it all.
Aunt Ann

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