I See Nothing

This morning I volunteered for Journaling in the girls' class. Their journal entries today were about some seeds that they planted a few weeks ago. Every week they make a new entry in their plant journal and draw what their plant looks like. Well, poor A. Her seed hasn't sprouted. So she just drew a picture of her little pot, which says "A____" on it, and wrote "I see nothing." M's, meanwhile, has sprouted, so she wrote about how tall it was, what she could see (stem and leaves), and said "I see it getting bigger and bigger." A isn't the only one in the class whose plant hasn't sprouted.

Tomorrow is Field Day for Kindergarten. Sounds like it will be a lot of fun.

They are also starting a unit on animals. They are to choose an animal that they want to learn about. (They also need backups in case other kids pick the ones they want). A's first choice is reindeer, then polar bear, then panda bear, then grizzly bear. M's is iguana, then polar bear, then penguin.

Today A rolled herself up in a yoga mat. She calls it the "marshmallow roll". She looked cute, and I said so. She said, "Are you going to put that on the blog?"

I had the cutest pictures to post tonight, but I scanned them as PDFs instead of JPGs. Oops.

I am going to NY tomorrow for the book expo for 2 nights. I may not post for a few days.


Ron and Dina says:

Really enjoyed the comments about M & A in the last few blogs!

a says:

Planting seeds is a wonderful way to learn about nature. I hope A’s seed begins to sprout soon. I’m sure M and A will enjoy learning about animals. Mommy, enjoy the book expo in N.Y.
Aunt Ann

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