The Weekend By the Numbers

Number of cupcakes made for class birthday celebration: 48

Number needed: 25

Percentage of time that I spent in the Wilson pool with the girls today: 50 (a personal record)

Number of ballet classes: 1

Number of birthday parties: 1

Number of crafts projects initiated: 4

Number of hours spent at Lafayette playground with Sarah and Hannah yesterday: almost 3

Number of books read by M: 4

Number of nights babysat by Grandma Sandy: 1 (thank you!)

Percentage of A's body covered by food in the Trader Joe's shopping cart today: 90

And some anecdotes:

Yesterday on the way to the car from ballet, I saw a sign for a used book sale from last weekend. I said, "Oh, I wish I had known about it! I would have gone to that! Though books are the last thing I need." M said, "What is the first thing you need?" I said, "More time. To spend with you."

Today, we stopped at my office to pick up something I forgot to bring home on Friday. While there, I went to the ATM in my building. I took out $100. The girls were aghast at the amount of money I took out. They said, "We didn't know you had $100! You never told us!" Then I said, "I usually take out $100 when I go to the ATM. And sometimes, on the days I pay Imogene, I take out $300." They couldn't comprehend that. M paused, and said, "When I grow up, *I* want to work at Discovery!"

We have started listening to All-of-a-Kind Family on tape again in the car. We've listened to the first four sides, and have two more to go. I love that the girls love that book, because I did too when I was their age. It makes me really happy. The next two books are also out on audio – I may get them. The girls are fascinated by cassettes – why do I have to flip them over? why can't I just get to where we want to be?

Baby is not on M's bed. I put it there earlier tonight but at bedtime she was nowhere to be found. I am sure she will turn up. I am physically too tired to look for her tonight, though I may give it another try before I turn in.


Lisa says:

The “By the Numbers” posts are quickly becoming my favorites. 🙂

a says:

What a busy schedule! Mommy, I don’t know how you do it all — and work too. M and A are so lucky to be able to do all the things they do. They have the advantages that every parent wants to give to their child (children). Someday M and A will thank you for all you do and have done for them.
Aunt Ann

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