Funny Stuff

I got home tonight early and told the girls that I wanted to do something special with them. I gave them three options: 1) go to the new cupcake place; 2) do Arts and Crafts Night; or 3) snuggle up and read lots of books.

They chose #3.

It sounds idyllic, but after giving them a bath and dealing with M's extremely cranky mood, we didn't do all that much reading. But… M read two books – Ralphina the Roly Poly and a Dr. Seuss alphabet book, and A read three Bob books to me. There was a lot of kvetching and complaining from M, though, even during the reading. Still, I thought it was cute that that's what they chose.

Tomorrow the girls are going to the White House. They said they are going to meet Michelle, but not the kids (Sasha and Malia) "because they will be at school". They also told Daddy they are going to meet "a Clinton". They are to wear comfortable clothes and shoes, and not bring anything in their pockets.

Tonight when the girls were in the tub we played Categories. I chose "Holidays". Here are some of the holidays they came up with: Neighbors Day (A); The Day A New Supreme Court Justice Is Picked (M); Friends Day (A); The First President Day (A); and, right after I said New Year's Eve, M said "The Last Day of the Year".

Good news from Capitol Medical Group this AM – the tick that bit M did NOT have Lyme Disease. M's reaction to this news was not as positive as one would have hoped. Here is an email I wrote tonight to the pediatrician:

Hi Dan-
I got the good news from the office today that M's tick was not carrying Lyme. Very glad to hear it!

M has a question. She was hoping to take the tick to her school to show her class. I told her I would check to see if the tick might still be available. (She asked me to write this. 🙂 )

Thanks so much for your help.


Update: Dan wrote back:

yes, was very glad to get that report this morning, finally.  not sure why it takes so long.  sorry to have to inform maddie that the tick is no longer available.  she should not, however, seek out a replacement.


1 comment

a says:

It’s good to read that M’s tick did not have Lyme Disease. Poor M has had so much to contend with. How cute that the girls chose to read instead of the other choices. M and A are very special girls.
Aunt Ann

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