Doctor, Marvin and Watercolors

This morning I took M to the doctor to get her tick bite checked. Dr. Fink does not think we need to worry because it is not a classic "bullseye" bite, but we are waiting to get the test results back on whether the tick was carrying Lyme or not. Until then, no antibiotics.

On the way to the doctor, M was talking a mile a minute. She said, "I am always very chatty on the way to the doctor!" We passed a fender bender on Chevy Chase Circle, and we talked about how it probably happened and whose fault it was (M said, "Mommy, you are so smart!"). Then M said, "I bet those people are not going to be good friends." She also said that she was very happy that I knew how to drive around Chevy Chase Circle.

She was very happy that she got iCarly stickers for her AND for A.

Funny story about A: We were talking the other night about names that are popular, like Sophie and Isabella, and then we mentioned boys' names, and she said, "Yeah, like Marvin!" (Marvin??)

Tonight M wanted to do a project using bath water and food coloring. We made our own watercolors.

Here is a picture:


1 comment

a says:

I hope M does NOT have the Lyme disease that ticks sometimes cause. I’m glad the girls like iCarly stickers. Sorry I didn’t have any of those — just plain ones with flowers, etc. One of my neighbors has a six year old grandchild who loves stickers of any kind. You are so clever to make your own watercolors. Enjoy.
Aunt Ann

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