Make-up Ballet Class (not to be confused with a Makeup Class)

Today was the girls' make-up ballet class, which they needed to go to because they missed their usual class during their birthday party last weekend. They have a recital on Sunday and needed to be there to learn the program. I left work early and picked them up at school, and we went to the 3:45 class. They were happy to discover that their friend Charlotte is in that class, as well as another girl with the same name as A. Both A's came out of class holding hands. I introduced Imogene to the subtle art of hanging around in the hallway of the second floor outside their classroom without being kicked out. (The downstairs, where we are supposed to wait, isn't carpeted and gets so yucky and uncomfortable).

Girls are tired today and sniping at each other. Well, M is sniping at A and A fell asleep on the way home from ballet – they are definitely tired.

They seem totally unfazed by the recital, other than that they get to wear pink skirts and someone MAY be doing their hair.

These drawings came home from school yesterday. I think they were done in conjunction with Earth Day. M on top, A on bottom.



1 comment

a says:

The girls’ drawings are so well done and cute. I’ll be anxious to learn about how their ballet recital goes. I’m sure all will turn out beautifully.
Aunt Ann

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