M’s Present for A

This morning, M did something that upset A. I can't remember what it was, but it was something that was clearly wrong on M's part. A was definitely mad at her. So M decided to give A something she has been making for A for a while. It's a box tht she has covered with drawings and artwork. She said she meant to give it to A on their birthday, but that she just couldn't wait anymore. When she gave it to A, all was forgiven and A seemed genuinely happy and appreciative. It is very cute. I will take some photos or videos of the box.

Imogene is sick and out today and tomorrow. Today Grandma Sandy picked the girls up and took them to her house, where she gave them piano lessons and dinner. We are very appreciative!!

Today M told me that I looked a little F-A-T in my new dress. She also told me that I sing better than the people on Glee. A then said, "Actually, Mommy, you don't sing as well as the people on Glee."

They are very excited about the birthday CD and have been reciting and singing the songs all night, especially in the tub.

1 comment

a says:

How sweet of M to give A a gift for whatever she did to upset A. That’s a lovely gesture. It’s so nice that Grandma Sandy continues to give the girls piano lessons, and dinner too. Again, please wish M and A a wonderful sixth birthday. What sweet and beautiful girls they are.
Aunt Ann

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