These Dreams… Go On.. When I Close My Eyes…

So all three of us said that we had strange dreams this morning.

Here are our dreams:

A said that she and M were having a fight – with swords!- to decide who got to have Allie sleep on her bed. She said that they were touching each other with the swords but not really hard. Then she said, "And isn't that weird? It makes no sense, because M would never want to have Allie sleep on her bed."

M said that she was at tennis with Paul, and that it was raining a lot and they were getting wet. (This did happen, last week.) She needed to go to the bathroom, but the only door that was unlocked was the men's room.

My dream was that the girls' birthday party was here. They had decided to have it at Silver Stars Gymnastics, but in my dream, it didn't look like Silver Stars. At the party, I panicked because I realized I hadn't gotten a cake. I had brought cupcakes to their classroom and had a cake at home, but I didn't have a cake for the party. I was running around everywhere trying to find a cake (which is always slow and laborious in my dreams) and kept trying to call Daddy to see what was happening at the party. The best I could do was get a big bag of Jolly Ranchers from the people at Silver Stars. Hmmm – guess I am stressed about the party prep!

At least we were all sleeping!

1 comment

a says:

What interesting dreams. The birthday party for M and A is so exciting. I can’t believe that they will be six. They are so darling, and intellectually they are much much more mature than most six year olds. Hope all of you have wonderful dreams tonight.
Aunt Ann

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