
The girls are upstairs in bed, playing Categories. They have chosen "Books They've Read". It's really cute listening to them through the monitor. A just picked "the cupcake book", which is the book that has all the cupcake design ideas in it. Tonight at dinner we played Categories with U.S. states. They got a lot of them.

Another long day. Early rise for all of us, then bath, then breakfast, then Sunday School. We came back here afterwards for a few hours and got some stuff done around here, including some homework that tested how "green" we are at home. We did pretty well, though I do use plastic bags in their lunch boxes (along with reusable plastic containers). Tonight we saw a collection of short ballet pieces, as part of our family ballet subscription. Luckily, it was at the Washington School of Ballet instead of the Kennedy Center. Grandma Sandy met us there and used Daddy's ticket. She also came back to the house after and had a chili dinner with us, and played Categories too.

Now they are singing "A You're Adorable".

Bedtime reading tonight consisted of two things: 1) Daddy's note from Jordan; and 2) an inside-baseball Entertainment Weekly article about a Nickelodeon show they like called "iCarly". I said, "If you're going to watch TV, then you'd better understand the industry." 

Speaking of the TV industry, here's a picture of me with Cake Boss Buddy Valastro.



KV says:

Buddy looks like he’s lost a ton of weight!

Yeah, he’s thin! And SHORT!

a says:

This is a fun blog. I love the photos. Gayle, you look terrific.
It’s so cute to see how well the girls do with their homework, and the great games they choose to play.
Aunt Ann

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