Earth Day

This morning I volunteered for Journaling in M&A's class. A loves when I come to school – she sits on my lap and smiles and laughs and is so excited to see me. But, she does not like when I pay attention to any other kids. The Journaling volunteer is supposed to help all the kids with their journaling, so she got very annoyed at me for moving arround to other tables. M discovered what was going on, and when I told her why A was upset, she said, "But that's the POINT!". (Totally!). A glowered at me every time I was with someone else. Now here is the cute part – Ian-with-an-I was so attentive to her when she was upset. He came and sat next to her, heard out why she was upset, tried to reason with her, and paid her lots of attention. He told me he is in a band called Hot Artichoke, and I told him A should join, that she could do keyboards or singing. (A then asked me what a "keyboard" was.) Turns out he doesn't play any instruments in the band. He also said that he wants to take A to a Capitals game, and that she can wear red face paint for it. She said she'd rather have tiger face paint. I was just struck by how sweet he was with her – he was like a boyfriend trying to comfort an irrational girlfriend. So. Cute.

The Journaling assignment was to illustrate a quilt square about what you might do for Earth Day. A said she would pick up trash, and made a picture of the Washington Monument and the mall (flowers, kite, butterfly), and her putting trash into a trash can. M made a drawing of her finding some trash at Lafayette, then bringing it home and recycling it at home.

Here are some other assignments that came home in the green folders yesterday. I think they are adorable.

(nakd v. drest)



1 comment

a says:

This was a fun blog to read. Poor A wanted Mommy to be with her — only her. It was hard for her to share. It was cute to read about Ian trying to make A feel better. The pictures are great. Both girls draw so beautifully.
Aunt Ann

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