Busy Sunday and Report Cards

After going to bed at midnight, the girls had a very busy day today. They woke up at 7, but I managed to convince their friend Katie (who was shouting "M & A are in a very deep sleep!") to go back to sleep for an hour. Then it was off to a birthday party for Abigail at Silver Stars, and then quickly to Sunday School, which they had missed a half hour of. Then to a playdate with their friend Emily (these girls have a busier social schedule than I do BY FAR). Tonight will be an early bedtime, I've been assured by Daddy! (I had to leave at 3 this afternoon to fly to Rochester for a meeting tomorrow).

We got report cards for the girls on Friday. Here is what they said:

A is showing a lot of growth and confidence with her reading. She is also starting to show more initiative with her independent writing activities. She is beginning to feel more comfortable sounding out her own sentences and using creative spelling. She is using what she knows about sounds and is not afraid to give it a try! Great job, keep it up! I am also seeing her feel more comfortable with the number skills. Keep working on it, you're doing great!

M continues to excel with her reading and writing activities. She is continuing to push herself with her independent writing. She is also doing quite well with her number skills and has complete comfort with her number activities and mental math. Keep up all of the great work!

1 comment

a says:

This is a great blog. M and A have lots of friends and have a “full” schedule. Good for them. Mom and Dad must be very proud of their lovely report cards. Love to all of you.
Aunt Ann

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