Girls’ K Performances

The girls did a wonderful job in their class performance today. All of the K classes did a few different performances – a "soundscape" and a poem and a song they all sang together. I was very impressed with how much time they all put into it, and the fact that girls kept a lot of it a secret for the last few weeks! I took lots of video and Daddy took some pictures which I will try to get uploaded at some point.

It will be a while, though – we leave for NY tomorrow and then for FL on Tuesday. I will try to post a few times while we are gone, but I am looking a bit forward to a break from the late night posting!!!

Happy Passover and Spring Break everyone!

1 comment

a says:

I know you must be so very proud of your girls and their performance. I hope you have a wonderful trip to everywhere you plan to be. Lots of love to all of you.
Aunt Ann

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