No More Eggs

Tomorrow is the spring performance. The girls' class is reciting a poem – Bringing the Rain to the ____ Plain (I forgot the name). They have been practicing for a long time and we are excited to see it. It is also the last day of school before spring break. On Saturday, we leave for NY to celebrate Passover and meet our newest family addition, Sydney. Then on Tuesday, we will drive to Baltimore and fly to Tampa, then drive to the Florida coast, where we will spend a few days at the beach. I am very excited.

Tired and stressed.

Here are some cute things the girls did/said this week:

1. I continue to have a hard time finding acceptable foods for them for lunches. Yesterday I made hard boiled eggs, which they hate when I pack. They say that the eggs smell, and that people make fun of them for having them and won't sit at their table. So when A figured out that I had put eggs in her lunch box, she freaked out and told me to take them out. So I took them out, and then put them back in before we left for school, thinking that by the time lunch rolled around, she'd be hungry enough that she'd eat them.

She didn't eat them, and she was irritated when the eggs were in there when she opened her lunchbox, and M complained that Jacob made fun of her, as always. Mommy never learns.

2. The girls saw something called Pillow Pets on TV and asked for them. After multiple requests, I gave in and got them for them. They arrived yesterday. I was out last night, so when I got home I put the box in their room. When the girls woke up, M was immediately curious about the box. So we opened it and discovered the Pillow Pets (Panda for A and Horse for M). The girls were instantly smitten. M asked if she could bring hers to school in her backpack. (The Pillow Pet is twice as big as her backpack.) I said no, it won't fit. So on the way to school, M rolled down her window and yelled out, "I am going to tell the whole world that Mommy says the Pillow Pets won't fit, but I think she's wrong. They will fit! So I am going to tell everyone that Mommy is wrong and won't let me bring them to school." Loud. Out the window.

1 comment

a says:

This was a fun blog with lots of things happening, i.e., about eggs and pillow pets. I laughed at the girls’ reaction to eggs in their lunchbox. Poor mommy. Things may get easier as the girls grow older. I hope all of you have a sweet seder and a wonderful time in all the lovely places you visit.
Aunt Ann

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