Chez Discovery

This morning, A showed me a picture she had made of three girls, all dressed up in pretty dresses, purses, shoes, etc. They were A, M, and friends Hannah and Abigail. It was very cute.

About 10 minutes later, I went into M & A's room to check on their progress with getting ready for school. A was downstairs. It turned out that M had decided that she wanted her dress in A's picture to be fancier, so A was downstairs putting more decorations on it. HOW CUTE IS THAT?

Grandma Sandy came to meet me for lunch today in Silver Spring. We came back to my office so that she could see it, and she took these two photos of my new office. The second is of me discovering the 2010 page-a-day book lover's calendar that has been sitting unopened in my little storage closet since last December. UGH.




a says:

This is a wonderful blog. I got to see M and A’s beautiful mother and the office she works in. I really appreciate the photos. Thank you so much.
Aunt Ann

Aunt Darrah says:

Get cracking using that calendar! 🙂

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