Recital Videos

Busy Sunday. Sunday School, then we had a picnic at No-Longer-Orange-Playground, and then went to Nana and Grampy’s for a late afternoon needlepoint lesson. Pizza dinner at home, then an episode of LIFE, and then bedtime!Whew.

Daddy is in Malaysia and will be back on Tuesday.

A few funny things today:

We were talking about needlepoint, and M asked A why she doesn’t like to work on her needlepoint. A said, “I am not into stuff like that. I am into movies.”

A and I were talking about M, and I said, “You’ve seen M every day of your life. Would you like a day when you didn’t see M?” A said, “I would not like that.”


I have uploaded a bunch of videos to YouTube, which I will post over the week. Kicking off with the videos from the piano recital:

Girls getting settled at the piano:

Principal Main introducing the girls:

The performance:

And here is a sense of the size of the audience:


Sandra Schrut says:


a says:

Thanks for the great videos. How very proud mommy and daddy must be of your daughters. They are wonderful, but all of us already knew that. Give them my congratulations and love.
Love to all,
Aunt Ann

Lisa says:

That is a big crowd — very impressive! Well done, M & A! And GW, I loved your enthusiastic yell at the end, a sound you will always be glad to have captured on video. 🙂

TLB says:

Awesome!!! sooo cute

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