Cheerio to London

I am back from London – yay! It was a quick trip and I am happy to be back with the girls. M stayed home today because of the strep, but she didn't have a fever, and will go back to school tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day that they are performing on stage in front of the whole school – very exciting! I can't wait.

M was a bit cranky tonight – I think she was tired. Lots of tears and recriminations. A seemed to take it all in stride.

A has been writing more notes to the Tooth Fairy – now she's penning them on behalf of her friend Ian (the boy around the corner) and asking the Tooth Fairy to bring him stuff as well.

Jet lag is getting the better of me so I am going to hit the hay.

1 comment

a says:

Glad to know mommy is back safe and sound. It’s so exciting that tomorrow is the BIG day for the girls’ performance. I do wish them well. (or is it “Break a Leg”?)
Aunt Ann

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