M Under The Weather

M wasn't feeling great last night. When she woke up, she seemed to be better, so she went to school. She tuck it out all day, and was in good spirits when she got home. She was sleepy tonight, though, and went right to bed (but no fever). She doesn't want to go to school tomorrow, but we'll see how she's doing in the morning.

The girls are very intrigued by the windshield wipers, just as I was at that age. M calls the falling raindrops "worms", and she gets upset with me if I kill the worms (which happens when I turn on the windshield wipers).  Today, there was a raindrop falling down the windshield, but it wasn't raining, so I didn't have the wipers on. She was very excited – she said, "Yay, worm, you're going to make it! And then you will win $5 and a box of gummy bears!"

A left a note for the tooth fairy last night. This evening, I asked her if the tooth fairy had left her a note. She said no, she didn't, but she did leave her a silver crystal on the front porch, which helps A with her magic. (She's right – there was a silver crystal on the front porch this morning). Very imaginative of her. The note is still under her pillow - not sure if the tooth fairy is going to pay a visit here in the absence of a lost tooth.

Tomorrow I leave for London. Excited for the trip, but sad to leave the girls, as always.

1 comment

a says:

I’m glad to learn that M is feeling well. It’s cute how she named raindrops on your windshield “worms”. What a great imagination. A is so cute about writing to the tooth fairy. How old will the girls be before they learn about the “tooth fairy”, “Santa Clause”, the “Easter Bunny”, etc.?
Aunt Ann

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