I didn't post for two nights – fell asleep both nights on the couch before midnight, so I didn't post in time. Now getting it under the wire at 11:33 PM…

We had a pretty mellow weekend. It rained a lot, so we stayed inside a fair amount. Daddy took the girls to the video store yesterday, and they came home with 8 videos. So far we have watched: Music Man (not a hit, despite the girls loving seeing Emily in the play last fall), Heidi (the Disney version, which brought M to tears on multiple occasions), and a collection of Suite Life with Zach and Cody that the girls had already seen (sadly, a hit). They also hit the library and got a collection of books, one of which they read tonight called Dear Tooth Fairy. A wrote AGAIN to the Tooth Fairy tonight, asking for a picture so that she can see what the Tooth Fairy looks like. Not sure how or if the Tooth Fairy will respond.

Other activities this weekend: I took the girls to ballet yesterday, and then to get cupcakes and to Trader Joe's. Today, after Sunday School, we went to the Wilson Pool.

M is really reading up a storm. A is singing all the time.

Bad Mommy Alert – I taught the girls some songs this weekend that involve potty humor. They love them and have been singing them a lot. Their teacher will not be pleased if they sing it at school.

The girls are playing the piano SOLO in front of the whole school on Friday. M will play "At the Zoo", A will play "Ode to Joy" (by ear), and then they will both play "At the Zoo" on different octaves. I am not sure whether they will back out of it when they see that it is the whole school watching them. I will be watching.

I have a very fun opportunity this week. I am going to London to do a presentation for all of Discovery's international communications teams – people from all over the world. I will talk to them about social media. It's a long way to go for a very short trip – I leave Tuesday and come home Thursday – but it should be fun.

In sad news: the tent in the entryway has been dismantled.

1 comment

a says:

Please tell M and A that I’m very proud of them playing solo and also together in front of the whole school. How wonderful. Tell wonderful Daddy that the girls will always remember the fun trips he took with them to the library and to the video store.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann

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