Saturday Report

Here is what we did today:

woke up

game of Memory (which I was winning until M got so out of sorts that I let her win)


toy store (each girl got new craft projects)

drive to a used book sale that it turns out isn't until the 20th

home for lunch and reading books

swimming pool

playing with Hannah and Andrew at the pool

running around with Hannah and Andrew outside the pool



Chinese food dinner

crafts projects

game of checkers between M and Daddy

display of A's crafts



Does that sound like a busy day? It felt like one.

Here is the craft project A picked. She loved it.


Here is the craft project M picked. She is enjoying it a lot.


And here are some pictures Grandma Sandy sent from when she had the girls last week:



1 comment

a says:

This was a fun blog to read, and I enjoyed the pictures. The craft project A chose reminded me of when I was a young girl. My girl friends and I would draw paper dolls and then draw clothes to fit them. It was our favorite thing to do. Sometimes we cut out photos of models from old magazines and make dresses for them. Thank you, A, for the memories. M’s craft looks like fun too. Both girls are so creative.
Loads of hugs, kisses and love,
Aunt Ann

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