
We had parent-teacher conferences today. I will sum them up in tomorrow's post, but they were very positive.

Funny story from Saturday. We were driving to get haircuts and the gas light came on in my car.

Me: "Ooh the gas light just came on. The car is veeeery hungry. And pretty soon… It. Might. Just. Stop."

A: "Well, what happens then?"

Me: "Then the car can't go anymore because it doesn't have any gas. No energy."

A: "So then we would have to get a new car?"

Me: "No, we don't need a new car. We just need to get someone to bring us some gas. Or we'd have to walk home."

Long pause.

A: "Mommy? I think it would take a long time to walk home."

Here are some photos of M reading to A last night, thanks to Grandma Sandy:



1 comment

a says:

M and A look so beautiful while M reads to A. I feel certain that sometimes A reads to M also. Those lucky girls each has a wonderful sister, and the best mommy and daddy any child could ever have.
Lots of love,
Aunt Ann

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