Statues of Liberty

When I got home tonight, the girls had made cut-out Statues of Liberty. They are amazing! I don't know where they got the idea from, but they are really creative and so well done. I will take pictures tomorrow – very impressive. Imogene said they made them with no help at all. I think A did hers first and then M did hers.

The girls have their first research project this week! In honor of Black History Month, they are to pick an African-American who contributed to our culture, from sports, entertainment, politics, etc. We have spent a lot of time talking about who they could pick, and many people have been considered and rejected. M especially has had a hard time settling on who she wants. As of today (and it's due Tuesday so hopefully these will stick!), A is doing Jackie Joyner-Kersee, and M is doing the Williams sisters. A was very disappointed today when I nixed Nastia Liukin, whom she claims has "darkish skin". (!)

M gets very cranky when she's tired. It's so obvious when her bedtime has passed.

Tomorrow the girls have a field trip to the Smithsonian to see an African American dance performance. (I think that's what it is.) I am not chaperoning this time. I think one screaming, lurching bus trip to the Smithsonian was enough for me this year.

1 comment

a says:

What a great assignment. I’m sure the girls will pick great black people. They always follow instructions to the letter.
I wish them good luck.
Aunt Ann

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