M’s Art

Today was Jump Rope For Heart. Given that the girls were really looking forward to it, I have not gotten much of a download on how it went. All I know is that A didn't get as much of a turn as she wanted.

M is like her mommy, in that she remembers song lyrics. We were watching American Idol tonight, and she knew the words to songs she had only heard once.

I successfully scanned M's artwork today. Here are three drawings she did. The first two are still life drawings – and M did the titles by herself:



This one is interesting because it is a depiction of how one eats a peppermint oreo cookie, interspersed under the letters in M's name:


And the last is something she did at school out of construction paper, titled "Me and My Shadow". I think they are all amazing.



a says:

Thanks for sharing M’s beautiful art work. She is indeed very talented.
Aunt Ann

DebbieWager says:

I can’t get over “Me and my Shadow” — It’s extraordinary!

Gloria says:

catching up on old entries… it is crazy how good the girls are getting at drawing!

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