Snowstorm #3

I can't even keep track of which snowstorm this is. We got another foot or so Tuesday night and Wednesday. Yesterday was a true snow day – no work for me or Daddy, and Imogene didn't come. (My office has been open all week other than yesterday). We stayed in all day, except for a few hours in the afternoon when the girls had a playdate at Abby and Jessie's house a few blocks away. While they were gone, we shoveled. And shoveled. And shoveled some more.

Here are some different approaches to shoveling cars out:

Our cars at 4 PM yesterday:

Cars1 Cars2

Here is the Mini Cooper across the street:


And here is the car of a woman across the street who is away in Paris for the semester. Her dad had nowhere to put the snow he was shoveling, so he dumped it on top of her car. Yes, there is a car under there:


So here is another roundup from the last two days.

Playdates with Abby and Jessie: 2 (one today)

Sledding runs: 10

Number of school days missed this week: 5, as of tomorrow

Dishes made: roast chicken (for the first time!), tortellini pesto soup, homemade spaghetti sauce (tonight)

Additional Valentines made: 4

Number of American Idol episodes the girls have watched: 2

Number of upcoming LIFE shows the girls watched: 2

So, tomorrow is the end of the week, and the kickoff of… a four day weekend! Never has a four day weekend been less needed.

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