99th Day of School

Tomorrow is the 100th day of school. There are lots of activities planned. Unfortunately, we are getting a huge snowstorm tomorrow, and school is getting out at noon. It's too bad, because the girls are so excited for the day. M asked if she could wear the bat mitzvah dress to school – I said no.

One of their homework assignments was to bring a ziploc bag tomorrow with 100 of something inside. M picked beads and A picked Smarties. Despite my many recommendations that they count by 10, each one decided they wanted to just count by ones and keep track. That didn't go so well. Then they decided to keep track by writing down what they had counted. That didn't go so well either. Finally they acquiesced and accepted the muffin tins I offered, where they counted by 10s.

A is better, thankfully, and made it to school today. She is tired tonight but no fever, and coughing much less.

I wore a necklace today that is a long chain with a silver key at the end (a birthday present from Nana and Grampy). When I got home, A had made a very similar necklace – beads, with a long silver metal bead at the bottom. She said she made it because of my necklace.

1 comment

a says:

M and A are so very exceptional. They do such wonderful things and are so talented. I love them so much.
Love to all of you,
Aunt Ann

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