Calm (?) Before the Storm

I missed a post last night – fell asleep on the couch and didn't wake up til after midnight. It was a long day. In the morning, M had a cavity filled and another tooth drilled and sealed. She was on laughing gas, so she wasn't terribly uncomfortable, but she didn't exactly enjoy it. Thankfully, all 4 molars are now drilled/sealed, so we should be OK for a while.

Then I took A to the doctor for her cough. She has RSV, which is a respiratory virus. It is very common among young kids, and serious among infants. But it's kind of rare for kids over the age of 4. Because it's a virus, there is nothing we can do about it. It just has to run its course. She has stayed home from school for 3 days now. We are hoping that she will be well enough to go to school tomorrow. Poor pup.

This week has been a bit of a juggle – getting M picked up from school so that A doesn't have to go out, and long hours for Imogene. We are very thankful for her. Today she called me to tell me that A had fallen asleep, and she was wondering if she should wake her up. Later she confessed that she was so bored while A was asleep and couldn't wait for her to get up.

We had a few inches of snow last night, and are expecting a huge storm this weekend. We don't have plans to be away, thankfully, but we do have ballet and Sunday School and 2 birthday parties and a Super Bowl party. I wonder how many of those will be canceled.

Friday is the 100th day of school. Lots of fun "counting activities" are planned. I really, really hope A can go.

1 comment

a says:

Please give A my love and tell her I hope she gets better very soon.
I love all of you.
Love and kisses,
Aunt Ann

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